Hey gang! I apologize for the day delay but sometimes life just steps right in and rains on your parade. Truth be known, I have been relocating my business over the past week and although my good intention was to blog as usual and post this yesterday, I was just too zonked to be coherent. Please forgive me.
In my last blog.... I filled you in on part 2 of why and how I became gluten/dairy free and I promised to share with you the "list" that my colon hydro-therapist Suzanne shared with me when I went to see her. I followed it religiously for about two months and continue to follow it almost verbatim on a daily basis. I have adjusted a few things simply because this was originally given to me to alleviate my "elimination problem", however I decided since it was working so well I would make a few minor adjustments and stick to it. I found it to be challenging at first because just like anything new... there is a learning curve and you may want to "cheat" a little. However now, after nearly five months I am really having fun creating my own recipes based on what I know I can and can't have and have learned the hard way that if I "cheat" even a little, it is like I have hit the Go-Go-Gadget NO NO button. My body has changed, and the few times I have veered off and had even a morsel of the foods I have eliminated my stomach goes nuts quickly reminding me why I did this in the first place.
I LOVE to cook, so it comes easier to me than it may for some of you, especially if cooking is not your idea of fun. I know what flavors and spices taste good together and because of that everything I cook that is gluten and dairy free tastes GOOD. Who wants to eat food that is bland, boring, and reminds you of a cardboard box? Not me... and hopefully not you. If so, I am sure someone out there has those kinds of recipes but this girl likes FLAVOR!
I will first share with you the "Modified Elimination Diet" that I follow. It has forever changed my digestive system in a GOOD way!
Meat - Poultry-Fish -Legumes
Chicken,turkey, lamb, *eggs, all legumes, dried peas, lentils, & cold water fish
AVOID: Red meats, cold cuts, frankfurters, sausage, canned meat
Dairy Products
*Unsweetened live-cultured yogurt, milk substitutes such as almond, rice and *soy milk, vegan cheeses
Cow's milk, goat's milk, dairy cheese, ice cream, non-dairy creamers
White or sweet potatoes, rice, tapioca, buckwheat, brown rice pastas and all gluten free products
All products containing gluten
Clear, vegetable broth based, vegetarian soups
Creamy or canned soups
All vegetables preferably fresh frozen or juiced
Creamed or in casseroles
Unsweetened fruit or vegetable juices, water, herbal tea, almond, *soy or rice milk
Cow and goat's milk, non-herbal tea, cocoa, alcoholic beverages, soda, sweetened beverages and citrus beverages
Breads & Cereals
Any made from rice, *corn, buckwheat, millet, *soy, potato, tapioca, quinoa, arrowroot,or gluten free flour based products.
All made from wheat, oat, spelt, kamut, rye, barley, amaranth, or those that contain gluten
Fresh, unsweetened frozen/and or canned
Fruit drinks, ades, citrus, strawberries, and dried fruit
Oils: Cold pressed, unrefined canola,sunflower, safflower flax and olive
Butters: ghee, sunflower, flax, pumpkin, squash seed, almond
Salad dressings: those made from allowed ingredients
Nuts: Raw, (Unroasted unsalted and unsweetened) almonds, cashews, pecans and walnuts.
Margarine, shortening, unclarified butter, refined oils, peanuts, creamy salad dressings and/or spreads made with ingredients to avoid.
* These foods may not be tolerated by everyone's tummy
*If you are on thyroid medication or if you have cancer in your family history avoid soy like the plague! I will get back to this in a later blog!
** Be aware! Not all rice is gluten free here is a great link regarding that! http://www.mahatmarice.com/products/full_allergy.aspx
Whew... that was a lot to re-type. I received my list in a spread sheet form and it is obvious from this picture that it has accompanied me to the grocery store a time or two. I suppose I should recommend laminating a copy to carry if you are going to do this like me. Once you learn the brands that you prefer then it gets easier, however if you are serious about getting healthier you will carry this around like a little black book.
This may sound like you are not going to be able to eat anything yummy or fun, and that is why for the next several weeks I am going to include recipes from my kitchen to yours to prove to you that you WILL, it just takes being a little creative and thinking ahead about what to make. (we should do that anyway)
I will finish off with this... just like anything in life that you may be hesitant to try, that you need to do but you may not want to do... think about what you CAN eat and avoid thinking about the things you can't eat. Focusing on the positive in all that you do will make life simple, happy and a little more care free.
Recipe #1 from my new and improved Gluten/Diary Free Kitchen:
Grilled Chicken and Brown Rice:
4 Boneless Skinless Hormone Free Chicken Breasts
1½ cup all natural Chicken Broth
1cups filtered water
½ cup chopped red bell pepper
½ cup chopped onion
1 tbs. minced garlic
1tsp "allowed" butter or oil (I use canola or safflower in this recipe)
1 cup Long grain brown rice (I use the 365 brand from whole foods)
Spices of your choice (I use spices made by Tones' because most are gluten free and all are MSG free. My favorite is the Rosemary Garlic blend which I often use in this recipe)
Put chicken broth, water, oil and rice into a saucepan, bring to a boil and then reduce heat and cover and simmer until water is almost absorbed (about 35 minutes.) Add pepper, garlic and onion to rice, cover and cook until all liquid is absorbed (approximately another 10 minutes) Different brands have different instructions so follow them accordingly.
When rice begins to boil, heat a large skillet on medium heat (best for browning) Do not overcrowd skillet or chicken will not brown. Add 2 tbs. safflower, sunflower or canola oil. Place chicken in skillet and allow to brown for 5 minutes. (Do not touch during browning) Flip and brown the other side for 5 minutes again... without touching. flip over again and cook for 5 min and flip again for 5 more. Reduce heat to medium/low and repeat this one more time. (total of 15 minutes on each side or 30 minutes total cook time)
*Tip: When you allow the chicken to cook without pressing or touching it, the juices get locked in and you won't end up with a dry yucky chicken breast.
Once rice is done and chicken is ready, dice chicken up on a cutting board and toss in with rice. Serve alone or with your favorite veggies and/or gluten free rolls.
Hope you enjoy!
In my last blog.... I filled you in on part 2 of why and how I became gluten/dairy free and I promised to share with you the "list" that my colon hydro-therapist Suzanne shared with me when I went to see her. I followed it religiously for about two months and continue to follow it almost verbatim on a daily basis. I have adjusted a few things simply because this was originally given to me to alleviate my "elimination problem", however I decided since it was working so well I would make a few minor adjustments and stick to it. I found it to be challenging at first because just like anything new... there is a learning curve and you may want to "cheat" a little. However now, after nearly five months I am really having fun creating my own recipes based on what I know I can and can't have and have learned the hard way that if I "cheat" even a little, it is like I have hit the Go-Go-Gadget NO NO button. My body has changed, and the few times I have veered off and had even a morsel of the foods I have eliminated my stomach goes nuts quickly reminding me why I did this in the first place.
I LOVE to cook, so it comes easier to me than it may for some of you, especially if cooking is not your idea of fun. I know what flavors and spices taste good together and because of that everything I cook that is gluten and dairy free tastes GOOD. Who wants to eat food that is bland, boring, and reminds you of a cardboard box? Not me... and hopefully not you. If so, I am sure someone out there has those kinds of recipes but this girl likes FLAVOR!
I will first share with you the "Modified Elimination Diet" that I follow. It has forever changed my digestive system in a GOOD way!
Meat - Poultry-Fish -Legumes
Chicken,turkey, lamb, *eggs, all legumes, dried peas, lentils, & cold water fish
AVOID: Red meats, cold cuts, frankfurters, sausage, canned meat
Dairy Products
*Unsweetened live-cultured yogurt, milk substitutes such as almond, rice and *soy milk, vegan cheeses
Cow's milk, goat's milk, dairy cheese, ice cream, non-dairy creamers
White or sweet potatoes, rice, tapioca, buckwheat, brown rice pastas and all gluten free products
All products containing gluten
Clear, vegetable broth based, vegetarian soups
Creamy or canned soups
All vegetables preferably fresh frozen or juiced
Creamed or in casseroles
Unsweetened fruit or vegetable juices, water, herbal tea, almond, *soy or rice milk
Cow and goat's milk, non-herbal tea, cocoa, alcoholic beverages, soda, sweetened beverages and citrus beverages
Breads & Cereals
Any made from rice, *corn, buckwheat, millet, *soy, potato, tapioca, quinoa, arrowroot,or gluten free flour based products.
All made from wheat, oat, spelt, kamut, rye, barley, amaranth, or those that contain gluten
Fresh, unsweetened frozen/and or canned
Fruit drinks, ades, citrus, strawberries, and dried fruit
Oils: Cold pressed, unrefined canola,sunflower, safflower flax and olive
Butters: ghee, sunflower, flax, pumpkin, squash seed, almond
Salad dressings: those made from allowed ingredients
Nuts: Raw, (Unroasted unsalted and unsweetened) almonds, cashews, pecans and walnuts.
Margarine, shortening, unclarified butter, refined oils, peanuts, creamy salad dressings and/or spreads made with ingredients to avoid.
* These foods may not be tolerated by everyone's tummy
*If you are on thyroid medication or if you have cancer in your family history avoid soy like the plague! I will get back to this in a later blog!
** Be aware! Not all rice is gluten free here is a great link regarding that! http://www.mahatmarice.com/products/full_allergy.aspx

This may sound like you are not going to be able to eat anything yummy or fun, and that is why for the next several weeks I am going to include recipes from my kitchen to yours to prove to you that you WILL, it just takes being a little creative and thinking ahead about what to make. (we should do that anyway)
I will finish off with this... just like anything in life that you may be hesitant to try, that you need to do but you may not want to do... think about what you CAN eat and avoid thinking about the things you can't eat. Focusing on the positive in all that you do will make life simple, happy and a little more care free.
See you next week! My blog topic will be "Veggie Tales!" The truth about fruits and veggies. :)
Recipe #1 from my new and improved Gluten/Diary Free Kitchen:
Grilled Chicken and Brown Rice:
4 Boneless Skinless Hormone Free Chicken Breasts
1½ cup all natural Chicken Broth
1cups filtered water
½ cup chopped red bell pepper
½ cup chopped onion
1 tbs. minced garlic
1tsp "allowed" butter or oil (I use canola or safflower in this recipe)
1 cup Long grain brown rice (I use the 365 brand from whole foods)
Spices of your choice (I use spices made by Tones' because most are gluten free and all are MSG free. My favorite is the Rosemary Garlic blend which I often use in this recipe)
Put chicken broth, water, oil and rice into a saucepan, bring to a boil and then reduce heat and cover and simmer until water is almost absorbed (about 35 minutes.) Add pepper, garlic and onion to rice, cover and cook until all liquid is absorbed (approximately another 10 minutes) Different brands have different instructions so follow them accordingly.
When rice begins to boil, heat a large skillet on medium heat (best for browning) Do not overcrowd skillet or chicken will not brown. Add 2 tbs. safflower, sunflower or canola oil. Place chicken in skillet and allow to brown for 5 minutes. (Do not touch during browning) Flip and brown the other side for 5 minutes again... without touching. flip over again and cook for 5 min and flip again for 5 more. Reduce heat to medium/low and repeat this one more time. (total of 15 minutes on each side or 30 minutes total cook time)
*Tip: When you allow the chicken to cook without pressing or touching it, the juices get locked in and you won't end up with a dry yucky chicken breast.
Once rice is done and chicken is ready, dice chicken up on a cutting board and toss in with rice. Serve alone or with your favorite veggies and/or gluten free rolls.
Hope you enjoy!
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